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Where do these stories come from? And what are they for?

They come from YOU! This is simply a platform of stories and connections – and those stories come from all of us. We can create them together so that the generations to follow can know where they came from, stay connected, and expand upon our family history as it is being made.

How do we make this work?

By sharing these stories, we honour our elders and connect the Aisakes that will follow in our footsteps. My name is Tessa, I'm the 3rd daughter of Munivai, granddaughter of Aisake and Ramue. In 2007, my Uncle Isireli gifted me this mountain of stories and connections. In 2014, at the 1st Aisake Reunion my cousin Toko and so many of you helped me to expand it. When I return in December 2019, I’m hoping that we can go further.


What can it become?
To deliver my dream of an interactive family tree I need a team of experts and more funds so... I've been putting this off for years. With the passing of our cousin Mere, I was reminded how precious our time here is and that waiting to be ready for life prevents us from actually living it. So I'm sharing with you what I've got now in a static format that I can manage. It's incomplete, it's not state-of-the-art – but it's a start. 


What’s next?
An interactive space where you can easily share your connections and stories, and the website automatically updates itself.
 For now – this is where we’re beginning our journey, together. Join me, share your family's story and see our tree grow.




Tessa x


This is an Aisake Family production

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